Document Management things small companies love about M-Files

Last week we talked about our customer Fernemo Information & Grafik, a small media production agency with its main clients in the public sector all over Sweden. In that short blog post, we discussed M-Files Document Management as a way even for small companies to escape the aging folder structure of Windows. There were other reasons Fernemo chose us and M-Files, like the need for complex workflows together with version control and web access on all platforms. (Download M-Files Trial, here!)

Less work with workflows

“Fernemos requirements for a replacement of shared folders in Windows Explorer for document management made ​​M-files, an advanced and innovative document management systems, come up as an option. We wanted a solution that easily integrated with the workflow we had already established with our staff,” said Ivar Fernemo of the company’s initial requirements for a new Document Management system.

M-Files allows clients to easily create workflows for the stored document types, send assignments to the users and keep track of their progress. This gives the users both in management and on the floor a greatly improved overview of their workload. For a small company where a few people are tasked with much responsibiliy, this overview is crucial to the success of the business.

Easily configured Document Management

M-Files Document Management software prides itself with being very easy to configure. After a little help with the initial set up, the configuration of workflows and other advanced features are quite easy. “It was also great advantage that the system was in Swedish and that you could get help with configuration in Swedish” says Ivar Fernemo in his case interview with us.

Full version control and on different platforms

The way M-Files handles version control was also impressive, and a big reason behind Fernemo’s choice. “Moreover, everyone demanded a simple version control, because it was previously done manually and sometimes incorrectly. It is also difficult with shared Windows folders to see who has made ​​changes and what they did. This, together with the requirement for access on different platforms where some only work on the web, administrators are used to working in a pure Windows environment while others work on Mac, made ​​the M-files a strong alternative. M-Files was also able to seamlessly integrate with the established VPN solution.”

Read the full case here!

Download a Trial version of M-Files, here!