Visual QMS is a total quality management system, and a new way to help the whole organization succeed and stay compliant. The idea of a Visual QMS implementation is to allow its users to see everything they need in a way that makes sense, from any perspective/context they might need it. Based on their role
Author: Christian Allgulander
Har ni VERKLIGEN digitaliserat er dokumenthantering?
Drar er organisation nytta av de verkliga fördelarna med digital dokumenthantering? Eller har ni bara flyttat in dokumenten i datorn (Nätverksmappar, Sharepoint, etc.) och ärvt samma problem och begränsningar som fysiska pappersdokument har? De flesta företag har genomfört, är igång med eller står inför någon form av digitalisering av sina dokument, dvs. förflyttning från papper
Tired of not finding your documents?
Documents are not always easy to keep track of. Wouldn’t it be great if they could keep track of themselves, and perhaps even help make other parts of your job easier? M-Files thinks so. That’s why they are working hard to change the way we work with data and documents. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is already
M-Files 2018 released!
Today, there is a release candidate of M-Files 2018 which you can try. The most anticipated feature with this upgrade is probably the Intelligent Metadata Layer, a solution of M-Files with a clever and unique way of connecting all your company data, using artificial intelligence to categorize the data and making it all just as
Nimbus 10.1 released!
TIBCO Nimbus 10.1 has been released (view release notes) and on the whole, we feel it is a much more stable build than the initial version 10 release. Nimbus 10 was a major release introducing a fully new web interface complete with web-based process mapping tools, and now a several bugs and other early issues have been
6 steps to excellent ISO compliance with Nimbus
TIBCO Nimbus has a standard feature which allows you to attach governance statements, such as ISO 9001, as links to your Process Activities. This is a great way to ensure your processes comply with your standards, and also making your standards visible to the company through your QMS. Nimbus also comes with a full, web-based Audit
Vad skiljer branschens Bästa Dokumenthanteringssystem från Cloud storage?
Måste man som firma ha ett “riktigt” dokumenthanteringssystem, eller räcker det med Cloud storage (molnlager som Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, osv.)? Vad skiljer branschens bästa dokumenthanteringssystem från deras motsvarande molnlager? Dokumenthantering har på senare tid kommit att innebära allt fler funktioner för att lösa moderna företags utmaningar. Utvecklarna av de bästa dokumenthanteringssystemen jobbar hårt för att
M-Files now ISO 9001:2015 certified
M-Files just received the certificate for ISO 9001:2015. One reason the software developer felt that it was extra important to keep up with the new standard is that many of M-Files’ customers rely on their award winning software for their own ISO compliance. Showing that we’re current with the new ISO 9001:2015 standard and committed to continuous
Prova en enkel lösning för Dokumenthantering
Vill du veta precis hur enkelt Dokumenthantering kan bli? Få en 30 dagars testperiod av M-Files – med oss som din guide!Lär dig hur man hanterar dokument och information snabbare och enklare med M-Files. Om du gillar lösningen du bygger, behåll den i den fulla versionen!Alla funktionerDu kan testa alla funktioner som kommer med fullversionen,
Try M-Files: An Easy Document Management System
Want to learn just how easy Document Management can be? Get a 30 day trial of M-Files Enterprise Information Management – with us as your guide!Quickly learn how to manage your documents and information easier and faster with the Free M-Files Trial. Like what you build in the trial? Keep it when you switch to the full license!