Solution Management has gone into partnership with Nordic Supply Chain Management Consultant firm “SCOPTI Management Consulting“. Which will mean that we’ll be able to offer an even broader spectrum of knowledge to our customers. When using Nimbus Control in combination with the SCOR-framework, a framework is provided that enables organizations to develop high performing value
Author: SolMan
Drawing in Nimbus Control (part 2) for effective Business Process Management (BPM)
In this second video on how the use Nimbus Control Author tool, Janne Eriksson is showing some more features on drawing and how you can use this in your Quality Management System, QMS. (Watch in full screen for best quality) Nimbus Control Author tool is the drawing machine for creating content in Nimbus Control. In
Visio on steroids – Business Process Management for the future?
Using any software to map processes you will always find limitations and things that you would like to see or have in the software. Visio is one of the main softwares for producing process maps in many companies, competing with MS Excel and MS Powerpoint. So imagine we would pumping up Visio to a complete
Is ISO giving money worth for certified companies?
Just read an article in the Swedish magazine Kvalitetsmagasinet who is talking about a recent study done by Certway on the benefits that companies get out of being ISO certified. It seems that the companies indeed get their processes organised but no real benefits coming out from the Quality Management System (“kvalitetssystem” or “ledningssystem” in Swedish). Why
Drawing in Nimbus Control (part 1) for effective Business Process Management (BPM)
In this first video on how the use Nimbus Control Author tool, Janne Eriksson is showing the basics on drawing and how you can use this for drawing in your Quality Management System, QMS. (Watch in full screen for best quality) Nimbus Control Author tool is the drawing machine for creating content in Nimbus Control.
Drawing in Nimbus Control 8
In this video, Janne Eriksson demonstrates some of the new improvements in the latest version of Control and how they greatly improve the user experience. (Watch in full screen for best quality) Nimbus Control version 8 includes enhanced map drawing tools and colouring effects, from visual improvements to time saving functions such as auto-aligning boxes and
Introducing Nimbus Control
In this video, Janne Eriksson of Solution Management introduces Nimbus Control and its webportal. (Watch in full screen for best quality)
Chevron rolls out Nimbus Control
Read this article in Finding Petroleum about Chevron’s use of Nimbus Control to manage processes. Chevron’s Jim Boots is interviewed and explains quite detailed how they selected software for BPM and which opportunities they see. Although his background is the Oil Business, his views are very helpful across various industries. For more information about Nimbus
Welcome to our blog!
This is the blog for Solution Management. Here thoughts and ideas from us will be shared from time to time. We will also list our tutorials for the enterprise software Nimbus Control here aswell. For more information about Nimbus Control in the Nordics (northern Europe, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Baltics, etc.) visit us at